Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cure For Depression?

I wonder what the psychological community would think of this treatment method (or if something similar has already been tried) for depression: Watching videos of babies laughing. The one below is my favorite, but the related videos show that there are lots of babies out there with great laughs. I have marked some of them as "favorites" on my YouTube account. In the event that I have a bad day, I just watch the videos and laugh along. I'm not exactly your typical example of a major depressive, but it works for me when I'm feeling a little sad. I wonder if it would work for someone feeling a lot sad...


Jason McLaughlin said...

Well, I don't JUST watch baby videos if I have a bad day. I also try to work through what made it a bad day in my mind or through conversation...but you know what I mean ;)

Laura Soltesz said...

I've been a long-time admirer of that video! I agree, it really does lift the spirits! :)

Anonymous said...

I must be the only person who saw this and wondered if the baby had bronchitis or an early case of athsma and was having serious trouble breathing. I can ruin almost anything, I swear. :(
I have a video of my Ella giggling that I'll have to send you. It's good stuff.
(For some reason blogger keeps logging me into my g-mail account. Weird.)

Jason McLaughlin said...

You must convert to all Google applications or suffer the wrath! Google is totally the next "Microsoft" in peoples' heads. I can just see someone suing over something like this innocent use of cookies.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this! Took me long enough.

This one is also frickin adorable: