Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On Truth: The Tyranny of Illusion

Want a free groundbreaking book? Click here. Want to be king for a day, and dictate what one of my blog posts should be about? Read on.

For a short time, an influential new philosophy text is available in .pdf form for free! Stefan Molyneux, who is generally generous with his books in the first place, (he has a standing offer to give them away to people who simply can't afford them at the moment) has authorized the distribution of On Truth: The Tyranny of Illusion in a "give away like free philosophical candy" manner. On Truth... is no candy, though. For many it's a bitter philosophical pill which brings tough decisions to the forefront of their personal lives. It remains, however, written completely with the non-philosopher in mind. After all, philosophy actually supposed to help everybody, right?

It's already one of the most influential books in my life, and I just read it a few months ago. I would recommend it to anyone with an even remote interest in living a happier life. If you are literate in the English language (or in Dutch, apparently) you're doing yourself a disservice by passing this short read up (it's just 73 pages). For free! Really. Get it. It's right here for free, which means no money at all needs to be exchanged. Just click and look at the bottom of the page. I'll even sweeten the deal. If you read it and can somehow prove it to me (Ooooh! I smell book reports!) then I'll make a blog post on the topic of your choosing. Is that great, or what? You can even solicit a custom blog post topic if you have already read the book in the past. And no, I'm not out of topics. I actually have a back-log, but have just been busy for the past couple of weeks and haven't posted. Fret not, subscribers!

All this giving things away is catching on. Maybe after you get a free book and a free blog post on the topic of your choosing, you'll give away a free carrot cake to the next influential author, and the whole cycle will start over again as (s)he is inspired to do great things. All because of a carrot cake! That's highly unlikely, but you can see the idea, I'm sure. Below is the blurb for On Truth... You should read the book. Because it's free.

From a short-term, merely practical standpoint, you really do not want to read this book. This book will mess up your life, as you know it. This book will change every single one of your relationships - most importantly, your relationship with yourself. This book will change your life even if you never implement a single one of the proposals it contains. This book will change you even if you disagree with every single idea it puts forward. Even if you put it down right now, this book will have changed your life, because now you know that you are afraid of change.

This book is radioactive and painful - it is only incidentally the kind of radiation and pain that will cure you...


Jason McLaughlin said...

I'm really serious about the custom blog posting. I think it could be fun and exciting. The zanier the better, on the topic. Philosophy applies in interesting ways to our everyday lives, (sort of a theme around this blog) so feel free to suggest what might seem like a non-philosophical topic.

I used to write for print journalism, so I'll just spin it to whatever I want anyway.

Anonymous said...


If my brain explodes, you know why.