Sunday, February 01, 2009

Murder Works!

Look! Barack Obama has directly ordered the murders of over a dozen people already. Thank goodness. Now I can rest easy, knowing I won't have to do it and feel bad, even if they are just some obscure brown mountain-dwellers half a world away.

And don't you feel better for it? Isn't your life positively swimming with atoms of joy that weren't there just a week and a half ago? Isn't your life at least 20 times better than it was before? Because that's the ratio of happiness-changing that occurred for the drone-bombed brown people half a world away: one life to zero. On, to off. Breathing and smiling and laughing and thinking, to fleshy compost. And they're dead. Completely. And they're not coming back. Ever.

They died because a man in a fancy office told other men with a fancy model airplane to drop some fancy bombs and scatter their bones across the mountainous landscape. Because he thought it was his job to kill people. Because he thought YOU hired him to kill people, even if you didn't. In the moment where the decision was "Do I drop bombs to kill people, or do I tell them to ground the drones and bury the bombs forever?" ...his decision was to continue the slaughter.

This is not change. I think it's disgusting that people call it that. This is just a different arm pulling the same bloody executioner's lever. Please stand with me and stop calling this whole mess noble.

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